Saturday, December 31, 2011

US wants 2012 talks for Taliban political office (AP)

WASHINGTON ? The Obama administration hopes to restore momentum in the spring to U.S. talks with the Taliban insurgency that had reached a critical point before falling apart this month because of objections from Afghan President Hamid Karzai, U.S. and Afghan officials said.

One goal of renewed talks with the insurgents would be to identify cease-fire zones that could be used as a steppingstone toward a full peace agreement that stops most fighting, a senior administration official told The Associated Press. It's a goal that so far has remained far out of reach.

U.S. officials from the State Department and White House plan to continue a series of secret meetings with Taliban representatives in Europe and the Persian Gulf region next year, two officials said, assuming a small group of Taliban emissaries the U.S. considers legitimate remains willing.

The U.S. officials spoke on condition of anonymity to describe the sensitive and precarious American outreach to the Taliban leadership.

The U.S. outreach this year had fits and starts but had progressed to the point that there was active discussion of two steps the Taliban seeks as precursors to negotiations, the senior U.S. official said. Talks are on an unofficial hiatus at Karzai's request, U.S. and other officials said.

The trust-building measures under discussion involve a would-be Taliban headquarters office and the release from the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, of about five Afghan prisoners considered affiliated with the Taliban. Those steps were to be matched by assurances from at least part of the Taliban leadership that the insurgents would cut ties with al-Qaida, accept the elected civilian government of Afghanistan and bargain in good faith.

The U.S. describes its current Afghan policy as "fight, talk, build," and maintains that it will not back off the military campaign that has ended Taliban control of key southern areas that had been the movement's mainstay. The Taliban remains a potent fighting force and has shifted operations to other parts of the country.

Just Friday, for instance, a NATO service member died in a roadside bombing in southern Afghanistan, while allied and Afghan forces killed three senior Taliban figures and captured 11 fighters and sympathizers, according to the alliance.

Although top U.S. military commanders say they cannot kill their way to military victory in Afghanistan, targeted raids on Taliban operatives are one of the tactical success stories of President Barack Obama's shift in strategy that favors counter-terrorism tactics.

The longer-term strategic effect of those tactics is less clear; nighttime kill-and-capture raids, in which a number of civilians have died, have become a flashpoint for anger over foreign meddling in Afghanistan. Karzai has demanded that foreign troops stop breaking into homes.

The U.S. administration wants to use its current extensive military campaign and an acknowledged but incomplete plan for a long-term American military presence in Afghanistan as leverage to draw the Taliban to talks with Karzai's representatives.

The gradual process of handing over areas of the country to Afghan security control would ideally be marshaled toward encouraging peace talks, by identifying areas where a test ceasefire could be tried, the official said.

More generally, the U.S. is trying to unify disparate elements of its strategy in Afghanistan after 10 tiring years of war and with an eye on the NATO deadline to withdraw combat forces by the end of 2014.

The likelihood that the Taliban insurgency continues as a fighting force after most foreign forces leave is driving the U.S. and NATO to seek even an incomplete bargain with the insurgents that would keep them talking with the Kabul government.

The U.S. goal is to midwife talks between the insurgents and the U.S.-backed Afghan government led by Karzai, who frequently has felt sidelined by the U.S. as it pursues talks with his enemies. He bills peace talks as an Afghan-led process, which the U.S. insists is also its goal. The U.S. outreach is meant to jump-start negotiations, U.S. officials have said, but they acknowledge that their efforts can feed the perception that Karzai is not fully in charge.

Although the Karzai government shares the goal of outreach and eventual political reconciliation with the Afghan Taliban movement, he resents the insurgents' demand only to speak with what they call American occupiers. He has argued that the U.S. undercuts his leverage, and his inner circle derailed initial U.S.-Taliban talks earlier this year, several officials previously told the AP.

With Obama planning to host a large NATO summit in his hometown of Chicago this spring, the administration would like some good news to announce.

Short of a clear military turning point in a war that is still stalemated in many areas, the summit is likely to focus on efforts to shore up the country while encouraging a political settlement with the Taliban.

One hope for the summit is a more coherent statement of how the military campaign is related to the effort to hand over areas of the country to Afghan control, the long-term U.S. presence in Afghanistan and Taliban reconciliation, the senior U.S. official said.

The Taliban headquarters office idea is seen the most likely to regain traction ahead of the summit in May, but it's unclear when it might open. A political office in a neutral third country would be authorized to conduct talks on a peaceful end to the 10-year war.

Karzai remains opposed to the more difficult prisoner transfer plan, which is further complicated by new congressional restrictions on any prisoner transfers. The U.S. tentatively had agreed to transfer a handful of Afghan prisoners to house arrest in a third country, probably Qatar, before the deal unraveled, U.S. officials said.

The Associated Press has learned the identity of some of the proposed transferees, including Khairullah Khairkhwa, former Taliban governor of Herat, and Mullah Mohammed Fazl, a former top Taliban military commander believed responsible for sectarian killings before the U.S. invasion that toppled the Taliban government in Afghanistan in 2001.

Karzai's own advisers seeking peace with the Taliban had named those men among several Afghan Taliban prisoners it wanted released from Guantanamo as a goodwill gesture, but Karzai wants the prisoners to come to Afghanistan, not a third country, a senior Afghan official in the region said.

Sending Afghans to an Arab country could offend Afghans' sense of sovereignty and suggest that the U.S. does not think Afghanistan is fit to hold or try the men, officials said.

"As soon as I was released, I met President Karzai and he promised that he would not allow Afghan prisoners to be sent anywhere except Afghanistan," said Haji Ruhollah, an Afghan who was released from Guantanamo in 2010. "They are all Afghans and they should be brought and kept in Afghanistan."

U.S. and Afghan officials also pointed to Karzai's longstanding unease with what he sees as a rush by the U.S. to broker deals ahead of the planned exit of U.S. combat forces

Karzai has political problems at home, including newly resurgent militias, and the assassination of his chief peace negotiator in September clouds his own outreach to the Taliban.

The U.S. once swore off direct talks with the Taliban until the insurgents essentially were beaten but shifted position as the war dragged on near stalemate. Participants said they still consider a peace deal a long shot, and the insurgent leadership has shown no sign that it wants to stop fighting a guerrilla war it thinks it can sustain until after most foreign forces depart.

The Associated Press is not identifying U.S. officials involved in the direct talks, in consideration for their safety. One member of the Taliban negotiating team has been publicly identified as Tayyab Aga, an emissary of Pakistan-based Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar. Other participants include a former Taliban ambassador to Saudi Arabia and a former Taliban deputy health minister, the senior Afghan official said.

Karzai has supported the general idea of an office, preferably in Afghanistan, but he balked when the plan for Qatar appeared to have been settled without him, officials said. Earlier this month, Kabul recalled its ambassador to Qatar for consultations over reports that the Taliban was planning to open an office there.

On Tuesday, Karzai backed down. He said his government would accept the Qatar office to hold peace talks, although Saudi Arabia or Turkey would be preferable venues.


Gannon reported from Islamabad. Associated Press writer Patrick Quinn in Kabul contributed to this report.


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Japanese vending machine doubles as WiFi hotspot -- no purchase required

It looks as if facial scans for snack-dispensing purposes isn't the only mind-blowing feature on the whiz-bang generation of vending machines. Japanese company Asahi has just unveiled an advanced dispenser that's capable of doubling as a WiFi hotspot, so good luck getting through the mobs of leechers just to buy a soda. The machine sends out the internet waves free of charge and covers about 164 feet around it; of note, there's a 30-minute limit on each session -- but it's nothing that a fresh login can't solve. Asahi is planning on rolling out 1,000 of these in the upcoming year, but if you don't call the Land of the Rising Sun your home, you won't be able to experience the smart vendors anytime soon. Now, if only this same magic would slide over to park benches, blades of grass and molecules of oxygen, we'd be content.

Japanese vending machine doubles as WiFi hotspot -- no purchase required originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 28 Dec 2011 17:46:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Friday, December 30, 2011

Paul's surge may prompt a new look from GOP voters

Republican presidential candidate, Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, speaks during a campaign stop in Dubuque, Iowa, Thursday, Dec. 22, 2011. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

Republican presidential candidate, Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, speaks during a campaign stop in Dubuque, Iowa, Thursday, Dec. 22, 2011. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

Chris Noth, a Ron Paul supporter, holds up a sign outside Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney's campaign stop in Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2011. (AP Photo/Chris Carlson)

Traffic passes a campaign sign for Republican presidential candidate U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, at an instersection in Ankeny, Iowa Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2011. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

(AP) ? Ron Paul wants to legalize pot and shut down the Federal Reserve. He thinks the federal government has no authority to outlaw abortion, no business bombing Iran to keep it from acquiring a nuclear weapon, and no justification to print money unless it's backed up by gold bars.

And he might win the Iowa caucuses.

The closer the first votes of the 2012 presidential campaign get, the more competitive the Texas congressman appears to become. It's a moment his famously fervent supporters have longed for. Plenty of others are asking: What's Ron Paul about, again?

As in his two prior quixotic campaigns for president, Paul has toiled for months as a fringe candidate best known for staking out libertarian positions. As every other Republican candidate lined up to attack President Barack Obama's health care law and to promise tax cuts, Paul again demanded audits of the Federal Reserve and a return to the gold standard.

Leading in some state polls, Paul is getting a look from mainstream voters in Iowa, where the 76-year-old obstetrician has emerged as a serious contender in the Jan. 3 caucuses ? and in other early voting states, should he pull off a victory.

The sudden rush of attention to Paul's resume hasn't been kind. He's spent the past week disowning racist and homophobic screeds in newsletters he published decades ago, including one following the 1992 riots in Los Angeles that read, "Order was only restored in L.A. when it came time for the blacks to collect their welfare checks three days after rioting began."

"Everybody knows I didn't write them and they're not my sentiments, so it's sort of politics as usual," Paul said during a recent Iowa campaign stop.

Paul returns to Iowa on Wednesday, giving his impressive grass-roots organization in the state a last chance to present, and perhaps defend, positions he's staked out over a long political career and reiterated during the 13 Republican debates held this year.

Paul has served a dozen terms in Congress as a Republican, but he espouses views that have made him the face of libertarianism in the U.S. He blames both Republicans and Democrats for running up the federal debt and opposes any U.S. military involvement overseas. He wants to bring home all troops from all U.S. bases abroad.

He vows to do away with five Cabinet-level departments ? Commerce, Education, Energy, Housing and Urban Development, and Interior ? and repeal the amendment to the Constitution that created the federal income tax. He opposes federal flood insurance and farm subsidies and wants to remove marijuana from the federal list of controlled substances.

He says he'll cut $1 trillion out of the first budget he offers as president. He doesn't believe in a border fence but says illegal immigrants shouldn't get a free education in public schools.

He's reliably described by political pundits as non-establishment, quirky, unorthodox. During a Republican debate in Sioux City, Iowa, earlier this month, Paul defended his views and rejected the idea that they make him unelectable.

"The important thing is, the philosophy I'm talking about is the Constitution and freedom, and that brings people together," Paul said. "It brings independents in the fold and it brings Democrats over on some of these issues."

Paul doesn't always side with the most extreme conservative proposals. When it comes to Newt Gingrich's suggestion that judges could be hauled before Congress to explain their rulings, Paul joined other Republicans in dismissing the idea.

Paul's recent surge in Iowa isn't the first time the GOP establishment has been forced to pay attention to him. A fundraising blitz that netted $5 million in one day in 2008 led Republican operatives to weigh whether he was a bigger threat to siphon votes than previously thought.

Now he may be in his best position yet to do more than just steal votes.

"I see this philosophy as being very electable, because it's an American philosophy, it's the rule of law," Paul said.

Associated Press


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TV producer won't fight extradition to Mexico

-- A reality show producer charged with murdering his wife during a Mexican vacation is dropping his extradition fight and will stand trial in Cancun, his lawyer said Tuesday.

Bruce Beresford-Redman's attorney said the onetime "Survivor" producer has decided not to appeal a Los Angeles federal court ruling upholding his extradition to Mexico.

"He feels he is not going to prevail on appeal and he'd like to get moving on proving his innocence," said attorney Richard Hirsch.

He said the producer could be sent to Mexico within 60 days following review of the extradition request by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. Beresford-Redman, 40, is being held in a Los Angeles federal prison.

Monica Beresford Redman, 42, disappeared from a Cancun resort where the couple was vacationing with their two children last year. Her body was found stuffed in a sewer cistern.

"He is innocent and it is his hope that the court in Mexico will assure that he receives a fair trial in which, he is confident, he will be exonerated," Hirsch said.

The family of Monica Beresford-Redman has said the couple went to Cancun to try to save their marriage. They claim Bruce Beresford-Redman, who is also the co-creator of the series "Pimp My Ride," was having a long-term affair with another woman. His wife, originally from Brazil, owned and operated a restaurant in Los Angeles.

U.S. District Judge Philip S. Gutierrez upheld an extradition order earlier this month, saying that there are many pages of competent evidence supporting prosecution claims that the producer killed his wife.

"All of this evidence points to homicide committed by the fugitive," said the judge's ruling.

Prosecutors presented statements from hotel guests who said they heard loud arguing and cries of distress coming from the couple's room on the night Monica Beresford-Redman went missing.

The producer's attorneys have claimed the noises came from Beresford-Redman and his children playing loud games throughout the night. They introduced statements from the couple's 6-year-old daughter to corroborate the claim, but judges who have reviewed the case were not swayed.

Beresford-Redman had been ordered to stay in Mexico after his wife's body was found but he left and returned to his home in Los Angeles. He voluntarily surrendered to U.S. authorities after a warrant was issued in Mexico for his arrest.

Hirsch said that Beresford-Redman's family has been in contact with a Mexican lawyer who will represent him at trial. Mexican courts do not have juries and the producer will be tried by the same judge who issued the warrant for his arrest, Hirsch said.

If he is convicted of aggravated homicide in Mexico, he faces 12 to 30 years in a Mexican prison.

His two small children have been placed in the custody of Beresford-Redman's parents with visitation by their mother's sisters.


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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Chinese lawyer goes on trial in dissent crackdown (AP)

BEIJING ? A former lawyer and veteran activist left disabled by past police mistreatment went on trial Thursday, the third dissident in a week to be prosecuted as China presses a sweeping crackdown to deter popular uprisings like the ones that shook the Arab world.

Looking thin and frail, Ni Yulan lay on a bed and used an oxygen machine to help her breathe during the hearing, her daughter, Dong Xuan, said afterward. Dong said she told the court about her mother's run-ins with police since 2002 and how police beatings left her crippled.

"Seeing my mother lying on that bed, it made my heart ache," Dong said.

Ni is charged with fraud, accused of falsifying facts to steal property. She is also charged, along with her husband, with causing a disturbance at a hotel where they had been detained by police.

Ni and her supporters deny the charges and say she is being punished for her years of activism, especially her advocacy for people forced from their homes to make way for the fast-paced real estate development that remade Beijing for the 2008 Olympics. Her outspoken defense earned her the enmity of officials and developers. Her family's house in an old neighborhood in the capital's center was also razed, and the couple became homeless.

The couple's trial comes near the end of a year that has seen Chinese authorities use disappearances, house arrest, lengthy prison terms and other means to prevent activists from drawing inspiration from the Arab Spring protests that unseated autocrats in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya.

In the past week, two longtime democracy and rights activists, Chen Wei and Chen Xi, were separately sentenced by courts in southern and central China to nine and 10 years in prison for posting essays on the Internet that the government deemed subversive.

Referring to the two cases, an editorial published in China's state-run Global Times newspaper on Thursday expressed support for the convictions.

"To firmly convict and punish a handful of people who instigate subversion of state power is a must. It is a safeguard for state security and a safeguard for a normal environment for public opinion," the newspaper said.

Like those two campaigners, the 51-year-old Ni has been previously jailed, twice in her case. In a June 2010 interview with The Associated Press, Ni described abuse she suffered at the hands of police, saying that guards have beaten her, insulted her and urinated on her face. While in detention in 2002, police pinned her down and kicked her knees until she was unable to walk, she said.

While serving the second prison term of two years, Ni said she was deprived of her crutches and had to crawl up and down five stories and across the prison yard every day for months.

Ni said the authorities were trying to silence her because in trying to defend those who had been wrongly evicted from their homes, she had found evidence of wrongdoing by Beijing officials in lucrative land deals.

"When they were making me crawl in prison, they were basically trying to kill me so that they can silence me," Ni said in the 2010 interview. "Isn't it just because I'm trying to tell the truth?"

In a sign of the government's sensitivity over the case, Thursday's trial took place under heavy security. Dozens of uniformed police sealed off and patrolled roads around the courthouse, rounding up journalists and about a dozen diplomats from the United States and Europe and taking them to a small office across from the building.

Ni told the court she was not guilty, said her lawyer Cheng Hai, outside the courthouse. Cheng spoke only briefly as he was being pushed away from reporters by plainclothes men who did not identify themselves.

Dong said she was happy to see her parents for the first time in the nearly nine months but she was not optimistic about the outcome of the trial, citing the couple's lengthy detention and the heavy security presence at the courthouse.

"This is definitely not a normal trial procedure, so I feel the risk of conviction is high," she said.


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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Iran threatens to stop Gulf oil if sanctions widened

TEHRAN: Iran threatened on Tuesday to stop the flow of oil through the Strait of Hormuz if foreign sanctions were imposed on its crude exports over its nuclear ambitions, a move that could trigger military conflict with economies dependent on Gulf oil.

Western tensions with Iran have increased since a November 8 report by the U.N. nuclear watchdog saying Tehran appears to have worked on designing an atomic bomb and may still be pursuing research to that end. Iran strongly denies this and says it is developing nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.

Iran has defiantly expanded nuclear activity despite four rounds of U.N. sanctions meted out since 2006 over its refusal to suspend sensitive uranium enrichment and open up to U.N. nuclear inspectors and investigators.

Many diplomats and analysts believe only sanctions targeting Iran's lifeblood oil sector might be painful enough to make it change course, but Russia and China - big trade partners of Tehran - have blocked such a move at the United Nations.

Iran's warning on Tuesday came three weeks after EU foreign ministers decided to tighten sanctions over the U.N. watchdog report and laid out plans for a possible embargo of oil from the world's No. 5 crude exporter.

"If they (the West) impose sanctions on Iran's oil exports, then even one drop of oil cannot flow from the Strait of Hormuz," the official Iranian news agency IRNA quoted Iran's First Vice President Mohammad Reza Rahimi as saying.

The U.S. State Department said it saw "an element of bluster" in the threat but underscored that the United States would support the free flow of oil.

"It's another attempt to distract attention away from the real issue, which is their continued non-compliance with their international nuclear obligations," spokesman Mark Toner said.

Rahimi's remarks coincided with a 10-day Iranian naval exercise in the Strait and nearby waters, a show of military force that began on Saturday.

"Our enemies will give up on their plots against Iran only if we give them a firm and strong lesson," Rahimi said.


EU ministers said on December 1 that a decision on further sanctions would be taken no later than their January meeting but left open the idea of an embargo on Iranian oil.

Countries in the 27-member European Union take 450,000 barrels per day of Iranian oil, about 18 percent of the Islamic Republic's exports, much of which go to China and India. EU officials declined to comment on Tuesday.

About a third of all sea-borne oil was shipped through the Strait of Hormuz in 2009, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, and U.S. warships patrol the area to ensure safe passage.

Most of the crude exported from Saudi Arabia, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Iraq - together with nearly all the liquefied natural gas from lead exporter Qatar - must slip through the Strait of Hormuz, a 4-mile (6.4 km) wide shipping channel between Oman and Iran.

Iran has also hinted it could hit Israel and U.S. interests in the Gulf in response to any military strike on its nuclear installations - a last resort option hinted at by Washington and the Jewish state.

However, some analysts say Iran would think hard about sealing off the Strait since it could suffer just as much economically as Western crude importers, and could kindle war with militarily superior big powers.

"To me, if Iran did that it would be a suicidal act by the regime. Even its friends would be its enemies," said Phil Flynn, analyst at PFG Best Research in Chicago.


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Monday, December 26, 2011

thenatural007: @caguirre91 Same here. NBA's great, but baseball is baseball. Nothing else like it.

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@caguirre91 Same here. NBA's great, but baseball is baseball. Nothing else like it. thenatural007

Nick Poust

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DickieV: @greggdoyelcbs Ur stuff on the NCAA with St Joe's situation is right on the money . Agree with @danwetzel. Gregg hope Santa makes u happy.

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@greggdoyelcbs Ur stuff on the NCAA with St Joe's situation is right on the money . Agree with @danwetzel. Gregg hope Santa makes u happy. DickieV

Dick Vitale

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Clean Plates: 10 Tips For Throwing A Healthier Holiday Party

It can be challenging to host a festive holiday party without throwing everything you know about health and nutrition out the window. The more decadent the food, the boozier the booze, the more everyone will enjoy themselves -- right? While we're big believers in indulging from time to time, the truth is that a menu filled with rich, fried and sugary treats can lead to indigestion and other discomforts. What if we told you it was possible to plan a delicious menu filled with nutrient-rich, locally produced, organic ingredients that will leave you and your guests feeling like a million bucks? You're in luck. Read on for tips from holistic chef and nutritional consultant Lisa Roberts-Lehan.

Tip Number 1: Boost Your Antioxidants

As much fun as the holiday season can be, the reality is that it leaves most of us feeling stressed out. Minimize harmful free-radicals caused by stress with antioxidant-rich superfoods like cranberries, pomegranates, oranges, bell peppers, kale, and yes, even organic dark chocolate. Because each color contains different antioxidants, be sure to use a rainbow of colors in your cooking and baking.

Tip Number 2: Stay Hydrated with Water-Inspired Beverages

It's easy to over-indulge on both food and alcohol this time of year. To help flush out excess sodium, sugar and the toxins from alcohol, keep pitchers of filtered water available for your guests. Try our recipe for Filtered Water Infused with Organic Citrus Fruit Slices:

  • Fill a water pitcher with filtered water.

  • Add 1 sliced orange, 1 sliced lime, 1 sliced lemon and a handful of fresh mint.

  • Refrigerate for 2 hours to allow flavors to infuse before serving.

Tip Number 3: Sub in All-Natural Sweeteners

Show off your baking skills and impress your guests with cookies, cakes, muffins and quick breads made with all-natural, lower-glycemic sweeteners. Replace processed white sugar with organic 100 percent pure raw honey or maple syrup from local producers, coconut palm sugar or date sugar. These options all have more nutritive value than plain-old sugar and can help stave off sugar-induced energy crashes.

Tip Number 4: Bring On the Whole Grains

Pick your favorite crostini recipe (we like this one), then swap a regular baguette for one made with organic whole wheat or spelt. If you're making a pasta or rice dish, look for products that feature whole grain organic brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, millet or amaranth. Your guests will wonder why they feel so much lighter yet more satisfied from your crafty cooking.

When baking, replace all-purpose flour with whole grain options like organic spelt or whole wheat flour, which not only boost nutrients, but also flavor.

Tip Number 5: Give Your Guests Nutrient-Dense, Plant-Based Dishes

Surprise both your carnivore and vegan guests with delicious plant-based dishes that are easy to prepare, flavor-packed and nutrient-rich. Vegetable dishes help you fill up quicker and give your body the nutrients it needs to off-set the negative affects of richer foods and beverages.

Our favorite crowd-pleasers? Roasted organic winter squash tossed with olive oil, sage and rosemary. Cauliflower mashed potatoes. Arugula and goat cheese salad tossed with cranberries and spicy pumpkin seeds. Baked kale chips. And Clean Plates' recipe makeover of "Top Chef Texas" contestant Molly Brandt's Smokey Sweet Potato Soup with Pork Cheek and Tequila Cilantro Lime Cream.

Tip Number 6: Choose Organic, Locally Produced Booze

Yes, even the alchohol you serve can be healthier, for you and the planet. Avoid the chemicals used in conventional farming and minimize your environmental impact by choosing organic and biodynamic wines, organic liquors and locally-brewed beers. Up for a little mixology? Check out our makeover of Saveur Magazine's Eggnog, as well as these delicious cocktail recipes (featuring anti-oxidant-boosting cranberries and pomegranate, no less -- see tip #1!). For the teatotalers in your group, make the eggnog sans alcohol, or offer sparkling water garnished with fruit.

Tip Number 7: Dress Up Your Crudit?s

We admit it, vegetable crudit?s aren't the most exciting addition to your holiday spread. Still, many guests appreciate having an obvious healthy option. And crudit?s are not only refreshing and packed with essential vitamins, they also make an eye-pleasing display -- and, per tip #5, vegetables can off-set the effects of richer foods (and booze). Pair with a selection of two to three dips made with organic ingredients -- choose fiber-rich bean dips and hummus over cream-heavy options.

Tip Number 8: Feature Antibiotic- and Hormone-Free Meat

For nibbles to please the carnivores on your guest list, make your way to your local farmer's market and find out who offers pasture-raised, grass-fed meat and poultry without antibiotics or hormones. You can also use the Eat Wild and Local Harvest websites to find local markets and producers. Looking for a crowd-pleasing recipe? Check out our makeover of Emeril Lagasse's Spanish Meatballs.

Tip Number 9: A Local Cheese Board

Who doesn't love a selection of fine cheeses to accompany an organic wine? Make your way to your local farmer's market and sample the different cheeses on offer. Choose three to five selections and pair your cheeseboard with organic fresh fruit, unsweetened and sulphur dioxide-free dried fruit, and fiber-rich nuts. Yum.

Tip Number 10: Give Creative Holiday Favors

Send your guests home with better-for-you party favors. Some of our top picks?

  • Organic dark raw chocolate from a local chocolatier. We love Nibmor Chocolates -- try their drinking chocolate in particular.
  • A piece of fruit tied with a bow.
  • Homemade organic preserves or chutney.
  • Local organic raw honey.
  • Homemade baked goods made with natural sweetener.
  • A handmade ornament.

... and, of course, the 2012 edition of Clean Plates Manhattan or Clean Plates Brooklyn!

Got questions as you plan your party? Let us know and we'll do our best to help.

Lisa Roberts-Lehan is a freelance writer, holistic chef, and nutritional consultant based in New York City. A graduate of the French Culinary Institute and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, she loves nothing more than being in the kitchen and developing new recipes. Her work has been featured in Brad Lamm's JUST 10 LBS, Erika Lenkert and Brook Alpert's Healthy Nutritious Pregnancy, as well as AOL/Fox, Plum TV, SOBeFiT magazine and McFadden Performing Arts publications.


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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Asian shares, euro ease as bank funding doubts persist (Reuters)

TOKYO (Reuters) ? Asian shares fell and the euro struggled on Thursday as doubts remained over how much of the funds that banks raised from an inaugural long-term European Central Bank tender will actually flow into struggling euro zone economies and help restore confidence.

MSCI's broadest index of Asia Pacific shares outside Japan (.MIAPJ0000PUS) fell 0.7 percent, after climbing to a one-week high on Wednesday, while Tokyo's Nikkei stock average (.N225) ended down 0.8 percent.

Despite the drop, Japanese equities have been least affected by the volatility stemming from the euro zone debt woes, with daily swings in the benchmark exceeding 2.5 percent for only 16 trading sessions this year, compared with 88 such days for the Euro STOXX 50 (.STOXX50E) and 41 for the S&P 500 (.SPX).

The euro was virtually unchanged around $1.3043, with traders seeing major support around $1.3000, the December 14 low, above 2011's trough of $1.2860. The euro reached a one-week high near $1.32 on Wednesday.

European shares were likely to inch up, with financial spreadbetters expecting London's FTSE (.FTSE) to open up 0.2 percent, Frankfurt's DAX (.GDAXI) up 0.2 percent, and Paris' CAC-40 (.FCHI) to begin 0.3 percent higher.


Euro zone debt crisis graphics:


At the ECB's first ever three-year lending operation on Wednesday, 523 banks borrowed a record 489 billion euros ($638 billion), well above the 310 billion euro take-up forecast.

The tender eased concerns about an immediate credit crunch, but it does not directly lead to resolving the huge indebtedness of some euro zone countries, which has discouraged investors from lending to euro zone banks because of their large exposure to sovereign debt.

"The ECB's funding operation is not a fundamental fix to the euro zone's debt problems and is only a way to buying time, so flight-to-safety bids remain firmly in place," said Shinsuke Kanabu, general manager at Central Tanshi, a Japanese money brokerage.

In further evidence that Japan has become a preferred destination for global funds, government data on Thursday showed non-Japanese investors bought a net 2.6615 trillion yen in short-term Japanese government securities in the week to December 17, the second largest after a record 2.9752 trillion yen net purchase in the week to August 13.

It was the third straight week of such net buying of bills. Non-Japanese investors also were net buyers of Japanese government bonds (JGBs) in the same week.

"Foreign investors have helped drive down yields on Japanese short-term securities in recent months as Europe's debt crisis deepened, suggesting they see Japanese treasury bills as a safe-haven and put priority on safety over returns," Kanabu said.

Despite Japan's huge public debts and a domestic rating agency cutting its top credit rating on Wednesday, JGB markets remain unfazed. More than 90 percent of JGB holders are Japanese, giving the country a solid financing backing, unlike countries such as Italy, where foreigners account for some 40 percent of sovereign debt holdings.


Analysts have said the ECB loans would lower the cost for euro zone banks to borrow euros in the open market, but would not reduce their dollar funding costs, and banks were likely to use the funds to repay their own debts as they strive to get rid of bad assets and improve their balance sheets, rather than lend.

"With bank balance sheets under stress and the system still required to raise capital ratios under Basel III, the temptation will surely be for banks to sit on this additional liquidity, rather than recycle it back through the economy," wrote BNP Paribas in a daily note.

Italy alone faces about 150 billion euros of debt refinancing between April and March.

Italian and Spanish government bond yields rose on Wednesday, snapping an eight-session downtrend, and the spread between the Italian and German 10-year government bond yields widened by some 20 basis points to 488 bps on Wednesday from the day before.

Dollar funding strains reached their worst level since July 2009 when the London interbank offered rate for three-month dollars rose further to 0.57125 percent on Wednesday from 0.56975 percent.

Asian credit markets weakened as yields of highly indebted Italy and Spain inched higher despite strong demand at the ECB's long-term funding operation, with spreads on the iTraxx Asia ex-Japan investment grade index widening by several basis points.

Commodities markets were muted in thinning pre-holiday trade, with London Metal Exchange copper unchanged at $7,455 a tonne and Brent crude oil edging down 0.2 percent to around $107.50 a barrel.

(Additional reporting by Cecile Lefort in Sydney; Editing by Alex Richardson)


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Friday, December 23, 2011

Facebook agrees to changes for those in Europe

Facebook has agreed to make several changes to its services to improve transparency and better protect the personal data of its millions of users outside of the U.S., following an in-depth audit of its international headquarters that was released Wednesday.

The social media company, based in Palo Alto, California, agreed to changes including asking European users if they wanted to partake in its Facial Recognition, reworking its policies of retaining and deleting private data, and reducing the amount of information collected about people who are not logged into Facebook, the company said in response to the report of the Irish Data Protection Commissioner.

Facebook's international headquarters are based in Dublin, Ireland, a member of the European Union. This means the company is required to comply with European data privacy laws, which are more stringent than those that apply in the United States, particularly regarding how long data can be retained.

"Facebook has committed to either implement, or to consider, other 'best practice' improvements recommended by the data protection commissioner," the company said following the announcement of the report. "Meeting these commitments will require intense work over the next six months."

The company has agreed to present its results in a follow-up to the report in July.

Facebook has been scrutinized for its privacy practices in the U.S., too. In November, the company agreed to submit to government audits of its privacy practices every other year for the next two decades as part of a settlement with the Federal Trade Commission. The FTC's complaint had alleged that the company exposed details about users' lives without getting their consent, as legally required.

It is standard for Ireland's data protection commissioner to audit any high-tech companies in the country to ensure that their practices are in keeping with the European law, and make recommendations to help them to meet those standards, should they fall short.

"It is not the object of the audit, to decide whether there is a breach of law," Billy Hawkes, the data protection commissioner, told reporters. "It is to help an organization achieve full compliance with law, put their compliance into best practice.

Facebook has repeatedly come under fire in Europe for a raft of complaints ranging from accusations that it sells personal data to advertisers ? a charge that the Irish authority said its findings did not uphold ? its Friend Finder application and "archiving" of data that users have deleted.

This is especially the case in German-speaking nations, where laws protecting individual privacy and the use of personal information are even more far-reaching than those covering the European Union, where Facebook has run up against several complaints from local data protection authorities.

A group of Austrian students calling themselves Europe vs. Facebook also took up the crusade, filing a series of 22 complaints directly with the Irish authorities in what they said was an attempt to force Facebook to follow the rule of the law.

"We are thrilled," said Max Schrems, 24, who speaks for the group. "It is far more than what has previously been achieved in Europe. There are a lot of things that they have to change, far more than what they have had to change before."

Barbara Ortutay in New York contributed to this report.

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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OCCUPY NBC! Flash Mob Heads To 30 Rock To Save 'Community' (VIDEO)

A group of "Community" fans came together at 30 Rockefeller Plaza in New York City to protest NBC's maybe-cancellation of the show.

As they plotted on Facebook, they wore black felt goatees and sang "O' Christmas Troy" -- same as "O' Christmas Tree" -- and chanted "Go Greendale, Go Greendale, GO!"

And chanted "six seasons and a movie," reports the Observer.

Watch the mob sing "O' Christmas Troy" below (via BuzzFeed/@yvettenbrown):


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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Meteorite shockwaves trigger dust avalanches on Mars

Friday, December 16, 2011

When a meteorite careens toward the dusty surface of the Red Planet, it kicks up dust and can cause avalanching even before the rock from outer space hits the ground, a research team led by an undergraduate student at the University of Arizona has discovered.

"We expected that some of the streaks of dust that we see on slopes are caused by seismic shaking during impact," said Kaylan Burleigh, who led the research project. "We were surprised to find that it rather looks like shockwaves in the air trigger the avalanches even before the impact."

Because of Mars' thin atmosphere, which is 100 times less dense than Earth's, even small rocks that would burn up or break up before they could hit the ground here on Earth crash into the Martian surface relatively unimpeded.

Each year, about 20 fresh craters between 1 and 50 meters (3 to 165 feet) show up in images taken by the HiRISE camera on board NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, or HiRISE, is operated by the UA's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory and has been photographing the Martian surface since 2006, revealing features down to less than 1 meter in size.

For this study, the team zoomed in on a cluster of five large craters, which all formed in one impact event close to Mars' equator, about 825 kilometers (512 miles) south of the boundary scarp of Olympus Mons, the tallest mountain in the solar system. Previous observations by the Mars Global Surveyor orbiter, which imaged Mars for nine years until 2006, showed that this cluster was blasted into the dusty surface between May 2004 and February 2006.

The results of the research, which Burleigh first took on as a freshman under former UA Regents Professor H. Jay Melosh, are published in the planetary science journal Icarus. Previous studies had looked at dark or light streaks on the Martian landscape interpreted as landslides, but none had tied such a large number of them to impacts.

The authors interpret the thousands of downhill-trending dark streaks on the flanks of ridges covering the area as dust avalanches caused by the impact. The largest crater in the cluster measures 22 meters, or 72 feet across and occupies roughly the area of a basketball court. Most likely, the cluster of craters formed as the meteorite broke up in the atmosphere, and the fragments hit the ground like a shotgun blast.

Narrow, relatively dark streaks varying from a few meters to about 50 meters in length scour the slopes around the impact site.

"The dark streaks represent the material exposed by the avalanches, as induced by the the airblast from the impact," Burleigh said. "I counted more than 100,000 avalanches and, after repeated counts and deleting duplicates, arrived at 64,948."

When Burleigh looked at the distribution of avalanches around the impact site, he realized their number decreased with distance in every direction, consistent with the idea that they were related to the impact event.

But it wasn't until he noticed a pair of peculiar surface features resembling a curved dagger, described as scimitars, extending from the central impact crater, that the way in which the impact caused the avalanches became evident.

"Those scimitars tipped us off that something other than seismic shaking must be causing the dust avalanches," Burleigh said.

As a meteor screams through the atmosphere at several times the speed of sound, it creates shockwaves in the air. Simulating the shockwaves generated by impacts on Martian soil with computer models, the team observed the exact pattern of scimitars they saw on their impact site.

"We think the interference among different pressure waves lifts up the dust and sets avalanches in motion. These interference regions, and the avalanches, occur in a reproducible pattern," Burleigh said. "We checked other impact sites and realized that when we see avalanches, we usually see two scimitars, not just one, and they both tend to be at a certain angle to each other. This pattern would be difficult to explain by seismic shaking."

In the absence of plate tectonic processes and water-caused erosion, the authors conclude that small impacts might be more important in shaping the Martian surface than previously thought.

"This is one part of a larger story about current surface activity on Mars, which we are realizing is very different than previously believed," said Alfred McEwen, principal investigator of the HiRISE project and one of the co-authors of the study. "We must understand how Mars works today before we can correctly interpret what may have happened when the climate was different, and before we can draw comparisons to Earth."


University of Arizona:

Thanks to University of Arizona for this article.

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Sprint Disabled Carrier IQ on its Phones (The Atlantic Wire)

As federal investigations against Carrier IQ ramp up this week, Sprint said today it will be removing the company's software from its phones. The company has come into the public eye in recent weeks as folks on the internet found evidence that its software was collecting data, and even recording people's keystrokes, supposedly to?gauge?how well phones were working, but creating suspicion they might be?collecting?and using the data nefariously. The company has denied any claims of wrongdoing and says it will cooperate as governments begin to look into the affair. Sprint wasn't shy about saying today's decision was made with the concern of its customers, who probably didn't like finding out that an invisible something-or-other was maybe?reading?their text messages. From the Sprint statement:

We have weighed customer concerns and we have disabled use of the tool so that diagnostic information and data is no longer being collected. We are further evaluating options regarding this diagnostic software as well as Sprint's diagnostic needs

They are the first company to announce they're eliminating the software, though a few phone?companies?like Verizon have already stated that they'd never included it in their phones.


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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Android team takes developers to school with Android Training program

Dust off your Trapper Keeper and strap on those brand new sneakers, because Android school is now in session. Yesterday, the Android Developers team announced the launch of Android Training -- a set of online classes designed to help users create better apps. The tutorials, available for free, provide aspiring devs with step-by-step instructions and tips on how to implement effective navigation tools, optimize battery life and solve other "common Android development problems." At the moment, the program is divided into 11 sections with a total of 34 individual lessons, though the team plans to expand its offerings "over the coming months." Try it out for yourself at the source link below.

Android team takes developers to school with Android Training program originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 16 Dec 2011 05:20:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Fresh iPhone Apps for Dec. 16: Liftopia, Golf Channel update, Seal Force, The Adventures of Tintin - The Game (Appolicious)

Go into the weekend with an eye toward relaxation and recreation with today?s leading Fresh iPhone Apps. Liftopia makes it easy to grab information on ski resorts and find cheap lift tickets, and an updated Golf Channel app will tie you into all the latest news and videos about the sport. The Adventures of Tintin: The Game leads our selection of games today, with plenty of puzzles and action lifted from the new animated film. And finally, there?s Seal Force, a runner game with the gameplay of Flight Control.

Liftopia (iPhone, iPad) Free

With winter in full swing and many of us about to take some vacation for the holidays, it?s a perfect time to grab the skis and hit the slopes. Liftopia is an app that?s a lot like Groupon for skiing. It links you into all kinds of deals on lift tickets in more than 150 resorts and makes it easy to book a ticket and learn about different skiing opportunities.

Liftopia is also a good way to find ski resorts. It links you into lots of information about the ones near you and makes finding them and making bookings at them easy to do. The app makes use of your iOS device?s GPS capabilities to find resorts and deals near you, and you can save your favorite resorts and find out what their snow conditions are like whenever you want.

It?s not snowy everywhere, and some of us prefer warmer climes and the relaxing (or maybe not so relaxing) sports they offer. Golf Channel makes it easy to stay connected with the world of pro golf, and the app has just gone through a major update to hit version 3.0. With the update comes a brand new user interface, and iPad users will find the ability to chat with other golf fans along with all the other features the app offers.

Those other features include tons of information about golf. You can read articles and blogs on Golf Channel, view videos, follow your favorite players and view tournament leaderboards, all within the app. You can also share articles and videos that interest you through connectivity with Facebook and Twitter, watch the latest Golf Channel shows, and even get behind-the-scenes looks at the programs you enjoy.

Releasing ahead of the upcoming Steven Spielberg animated film, The Adventures of Tintin: The Game puts you in the role of the famous investigative journalist as he?s embroiled in a mystery that follows the plot of the movie. You?ll play as Tintin, his dog Snowy and his friend Captain Haddock through the course of the game, engaging between third-person action in which you?ll sprint and sneak around various levels.

Tintin is more about solving puzzles than it is about action, but there are hearty portions of each throughout the game. It also looks gorgeous, with graphics that pretty closely match the look and feel of the movie. The game is meant to be fun for all ages, too, so you can feel safe handing it off to the kids.

Combine the gameplay of App Store hits like Jetpack Joyride and Flight Control and you might have something similar to Seal Force. It?s part endless runner, part line-drawing arcade title. You control an elite team of three seals ? that?s marine mammals with special forces training ? as they fight to take down an evil scientist and his army of evil crustaceans. To defeat them, you?ll need to draw a line from each seal to the krill of the corresponding color to destroy them and rack up points. If krill get through your defensive shield without being stopped, you lose the game.

You?ll also get a chance to gather up tons of power-ups and shell coins that can be spent to improve your seal team, but no matter what, you can only control one seal at a time, so you?ll need to be smart and economical with the paths you draw for them or risk being unable to deal with a new threat. Seal Force also packs missions you can complete by achieving objectives, and Game Center support for achievements and leaderboards.


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Friday, December 16, 2011

More companies ending the year without the bonus

By Allison Linn

If your company is ending the year with a hearty bit of holiday cheer - rather than an actual holiday bonus ? you?re definitely not alone.

More than 40 percent of companies say they do not offer year-end bonuses, gifts or other perks, according to a new poll released this week by Challenger, Gray and Christmas.

That?s a substantial increase from 2007, when just 28 percent of companies said they never offer such year-end perks.

Of course, things have changed substantially in those four years. With the nation?s unemployment rate still very high by historical standards, many companies may feel like they don?t need to give their employees extra rewards.

The lingering effects of the recession, which technically ran from December 2007 to June 2009, may also have left some employers without much extra cash left over at the end of year.

Still, more than half of the approximately 100 human resources executives surveyed said they do offer year-end perks. About half of those offering perks said they give nonmonetary gifts, while the rest said they gave some type of cash bonus to at least some employees.

The company said it did not ask whether employers offer bonuses at other times during the year.

Does your company offer a year-end bonus or perk?


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Animal welfare groups: don't buy pet store puppies (AP)

LOS ANGELES ? More puppies are sold at pet stores during the holiday season than any other time of year. Now the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and other groups are stepping up efforts to stop these sales, saying many of these dogs come from puppy mills.

Forty billboards in Los Angeles this month encourage people to fight puppy mills by boycotting pet stores and websites that sell puppies. More than 50,000 people have signed a pledge on the ASPCA's website vowing to uphold the boycott, and the ASPCA has an online database of targeted stores at encouraging consumers to shop elsewhere. Consumers can also report a store to the ASPCA, and the organization will verify the source of its puppies, Menkin said.

"We are not just saying `Don't buy a puppy,' but `Don't buy anything in a pet store that sells puppies," said Cori Menkin, senior director of the ASPCA's anti-puppy mills campaign. "If pet stores are not able to turn a profit, they will stop selling puppies."

The Humane Society of the United States, Best Friends Animal Society and many other groups are promoting similar initiatives.

As malls and chains drop the commercial sale of puppies, one change for consumers is an increase in convenient locations for shelter adoptions.

In October, Jack's Pets announced they would no longer sell puppies at their 27 stores in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana. They are working with shelters to offer in-store adoptions instead. Major chains like PetSmart Inc. and Petco Animal Supplies Inc. stopped selling dogs and cats several years ago, partnering with local shelters and rescues on weekend adoption events. Best Friends has helped several traditional pet stores convert to shelter sales.

Macerich Co., a regional shopping mall company, recently announced a ban on traditional pet stores at its 70 malls. Instead, at the company's mall in Lakewood, Calif., shoppers will find a store called Adopt & Shop, which gets its animals from the Southeast Area Animal Control Authority shelter. On Nov. 25, the store celebrated its 500th adoption, said Aimee Gilbreath, executive director of Found Animals, the organization that runs and subsidizes Adopt & Shop.

Some pet store owners say they're being unfairly maligned.

Jens Larsen, who owns Perfect Pets in Littleton, Colo., is on the ASPCA list and says it's not right. He has been in business for 18 years, sold 1,600 puppies last year and has an A-plus rating with the Better Business Bureau. He gets 80 percent of his dogs from commercial breeders in Nebraska, 10 percent from breeders in Kansas and Oklahoma and 10 percent from two Colorado breeders, he said.

Some animal activists are "radical and fanatical and want to put me out of business," he said. "I obey the law. So do my breeders and the kennels I deal with," Larsen said.

Larsen says that when you are selling 100 puppies a month, there will occasionally be a case of kennel cough or a parasite, and every once in a while, something more serious. But he believes if his dogs were continually getting sick, word would spread and he'd be out of business.

About 2 million puppies are sold online and in U.S. pet stores every year, said Menkin.

The ASPCA and other animal welfare groups have popularized a negative image of commercial dog breeders in recent years, claiming that poor breeding practices and substandard conditions leave some animals with chronic physical ailments, genetic defects or fear of humans.

Whether it's the impact of bad publicity or the recession cutting into purebred dog sales, the number of commercial dog breeders licensed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture is declining, from 3,486 in 2009, to 2,904 in 2010 and 2,205 in 2011, according to USDA spokesman Dave Sacks said.

Licenses in Missouri, with three times more breeders than any other state, dropped from 1,221 in 2009 to 745 this year, Sacks said. Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, Ohio and Indiana have between 100 and 300 licensed breeders. Sixteen states have none. Sacks says the USDA protects animals by making unannounced inspections of breeding facilities and by regulating food, care and housing for the animals.

Serena Brant believes her golden retriever, Ali, was a puppy mill dog. When Brant bought the 4-month-old pup 10 years ago from Perfect Pets for $400, Ali's papers had numbers instead of names listed for parents. Her first trip to the vet cost $800 to treat giardia, fleas and eye infections, said Brant, of Littleton, Colo.

Two years later, the dog started limping. X-rays showed hip dysplasia. Surgery, at $12,000 for both hips, was an option but came without guarantees, so Brant chose to medicate the dog instead. Then Ali got arthritis.

For the last six years, Ali has to stop every 50 feet to rest. Because of the medication, "we don't think she's in pain," said Brant. But over the years, the medicine has totalled $8,600.

"I am not going to put a dog down just because she's defective. We have the money to provide for her so we will," she said.

But next time she gets a dog, Brant says, she'll adopt one from a shelter.


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