Sunday, February 12, 2012

How Satellite Communication Is Supporting Mobile Internet Revolution

In case of the US, ?satellite communications providers are able to attract more customers since the passage of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Nearly $100 million of the $7.2 billion budget for national broadband development went to the satellite communications market in the form of federal grant.

In Australia, rural Internet is about to change as the government rolls out National Broadband Co.'s infrastructural projects and subsidy programs.

?The multi-billion satellite project aims to expand the country's ?terrestrial and wireless communications infrastructures. Aside from the expansion of fiber optic networks, commercial satellite launches are also in ?NBN's top agenda.

The economic benefits of satellite communications are hard to ignore. ?Even if most of the broadband subsidies in Europe and the US went to terrestrial ISPs, telecommunications regulators are still investing on satellite broadband capacity to provide the industry with the much needed bandwidth to meet the growing demand of the mobile Internet population.

Businesses are not the only ones to benefit from government-financed satellite communications, so does the mobile Internet population which comprises business travellers, tourists, social media fans and individuals who need uninterrupted access to broadband services.

The rise of social networking activities over the past year has been a major contributor to the exponential increase in broadband demand.

Coupled with growing video downloads and rising sales of smartphones, the broadband crunch is prompting telecommunications carriers to look for efficient ways to increase their network coverage in various markets. Commercial satellite operators can provide terrestrial ISPs and cell site operators the much needed strategy for their broadband growth.

Through the use of satellites, telecommunications providers can serve small villages and remote industrial facilities. ?National governments , instead of funding costly expansion of fiber optics in remote areas, can tap on satellite networks to bring broadband services to such places. The bandwidth gap between urban and rural markets has a serious effect on the short-term economic growth of a rural community. Mobile Internet trends are expected to further increase the demand for bandwidth, prompting the government ?to adopt innovative wireless solutions .

The use of Internet for leisure purposes also founds it way in the satellite sector. Satellite-based broadband solutions are getting more consumer-friendly. Marine crew and cruise ship passengers can browse their favourite websites, play online games and watch Youtube via satellite broadband.

The rapid evolution of mobile communications technology also means change for the commercial satellite industry. As more bandwidth consuming services and gadgets hit the mobile Internet community, satellite-based services are expected to improve in terms of speed, cost and coverage.


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