Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Treat Breast Cancer With Celery and Parsley? | Gifts for Cancer ...

treat breast cancer with parsley | breast cancer planner | ready for recoveryMore and more studies are showing that what we eat plays a major role in our health. And the most recent study to emerge in the fight for breast cancer involves, of all things, celery and parsley.

Researchers at the University of Missouri have been using mice to study the effects of a natural substance found in both celery and parsley, called apigenin.

The study involves injecting some mice with an invasive type of breast cancer cells.? They then treated some of those mice with apigenin.? What they found was that out of the mice who were injected with breast cancer cells, those who did not receive apigenin developed tumors very quickly.? Those who did receive apigenin showed a remarkable change, which included the tumors shrinking and the growth of breast cancer cells diminishing to an amount equal to that of the control group.

According to a statement in (Drug, Discovery, and Development) made by Salman Hyder, one of the researchers in the study,? the apigenin is essentially slowing down the progression of cancer cells by ?inducing cell death, by inhibiting cell proliferation, and by reducing expression of a gene associated with cancer growth.?

What?s interesting is that apigenin is a natural product found in plants, but this also leads to both positive and negative implications.

According to Hyder, one positive implication is that perhaps apigenin could be used in the future as a treatment over chemotherapy.? Unlike chemotherapy drugs, which can cause ?hair-loss, extreme fatigue and other side effects ? apigenin has shown no toxic side-effects even at high dosages in animals. People have eaten it since pre-history in fruits and vegetables.?

Unfortunately, with the highs comes the lows.? A negative implication is that pharmaceutical companies don?t want to fund the research behind apigenin.? The reasoning is that because apigenin is a natural plant extract,? pharmaceutical companies would not benefit financially, since there is no drug for them to produce.? Without funding, Hyder and his team can?t move forward with human clinical trials.

Hopefully, though, the positives with this medical breakthrough will outshine all else, and Hyder and his team will get the necessary funding to move forward.

Know anyone interested in helping Hyder and his Team? Share this with your friends so we can get the word out

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